In this article, I am going to try and find the relevance of a Morning Walk at a popular park to running a Business Venture. Though it might seem as, there is no relation between them, but then, if you are a regular walker you would understand the similarities it draws.
1. The Keeda
On a day’s contemplation you think, you have been into a lot of unhealthy habits and eating, which is pushing your body to a limit it could take. It is time to do something which is right for you and is capable of creating a life you would enjoy living. That is the day you decide that you maybe should start a walk or a jog or hit the gym. Similarly, when you have been working at a company, it strikes you on a day that it is time to take the plunge and look at being an entrepreneur.
2. Starting Problem
Though you might have been bit by the Keeda, it is not good enough! To overpower the temptation of sleep or a steady monthly salary, you need a lot of determination and persistence. You need to have the right plan and be strongly equipped to start. In case of a walk you need: an attractive venue, the right shoes, comfortable clothing, etc.. For business: an attractive idea, the right team, relevant capital, comfortable income source, etc.. And the most important for both, the Keeda should have bit you that hard that it should not fizzle out over time and wakes you every morning.
3. Planning the Walk
The first thing you would do after deciding that the Keeda is worth it is, you shall start planning or lay out a strategy on the execution of the idea. You may visit the venue if you haven’t seen it earlier, plan a tentative route, choose a time which does not disturb your day plans, ask some friends if they would like to join in, etc.. For a business, plan your finances, choose the timing of the launch, ask for advice and opinions of well wishers, etc..
4. Initial Days
You finally manage to wake up and go for a walk or start the venture. This is the period you are the most enthusiastic and excited about the whole idea. But, this is also one of the most painful periods you may go through. You will realize at the end of the first day or the first week that your legs are breaking away, your stamina is bad, you lack sleep, etc.. Similarly, in a venture you realize, the team might be breaking away, your infrastructure is bad, you lack capital, etc.. The key is to just get pass this phase and believe in yourself and say, this is right for you.
5. Habit Revisited
Once you pass the initial struggle, there comes a time where you get habituated to the walk or the venture. This is the time you would start enjoying the walk or the venture and would now think forward on how to use the walk for better optimum utilisation of time and energy. Similarly, you think on how to increase the ROI on the business venture or how you should expand further. Hence, this is the time where you re-work on your walk or the business. It could mean you check your equipments like your clothing or shoes, check if the route needs a change, prefer to go on a different time, etc. In a venture, you could check on the capital requirement, team members, the business plan. You could read The 1000 Days Rule for more insight on this topic.
6. Peer Pressure
If you are a regular walker in a public park, you would connect with me on this. Do you also find the compulsion of moving ahead of the individual in front of you? Do you also find it difficult to let other people overtake you unless they are running (since here you do not have an option)? Do you also speed up when you hear another individual coming close behind you and might just overtake you? My answer to all of these are, Yes! I find that the competition at a park is very similar and is as cut throat as running a business venture where you always have someone ahead of you or coming close to overtaking you and the need to stay ahead keeps you up at night. When a competitor is running and overtakes you, it hurts you and that helps you strategise your next move after learning from his strengths and weaknesses.
7. Observe to Learn
You have to be a keen observer when you are running a business venture or walking in the park. There is so much to learn! For instance, I am impressed by the elderly uncles and aunties who not only just walk or jog in the park but run through the entire stretch – this is because they have trained their body for decades, there are individuals who form a group and exercise together keeping each other motivated, there is an uncle who might be in his mid 50’s but practises Hand Walk, an aunty who does yoga for 2 hours straight, a foreigner who runs in the speed of a horse. All of them teach you something in their own unique way and you sharpen your skill by turning their positive experiences or practises to your own. Please note, all of them too started on one day with a short & slow walk.
8. Walk of Business
Some tips which I have picked up from a morning walk which could be applied to business are stated below.
- Staying fit comes with habit and practice
- Persistence & Determination at every level helps
- Plans & Strategies are imperative
- Team & Teamwork is vital
- Innovation keeps the work exciting
- Find pleasure in what you do
- Be equipped, crucial to take you ahead
- No pain, no gain – Hard work has no alternative
- Staying ahead makes you happy
- Push your limits
- Competitive edge is important
- Keen observance is very important
Though most of the points in the article are matter of fact, it always helps to revisit these from time to time. Finding relevance in anything you do with something else is easy, but using these learnings in your regular life is difficult and the need of the hour.
Happy Walking!!
Once you have dominated a terrain long enough try walking a different one as well.. In Business parlance ~ 3-5 years.. Growth through diversification..